Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have raised global temperatures by 1.2-1.5C, posing a risk of ecological disaster. To address this, we need to prioritize climate mitigation and reduce temperatures. Geoengineering methods, like MEER, are necessary to restore ecosystems and create a habitable environment. International support and funding are crucial for large-scale implementation
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MEER benefits

recycling icon


We can use recycled PET and aluminum to make reflectors. There's an excess of these materials in landfills.

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A MEER roof keeps the indoors cool without electricity. It reflects sunlight during the day and releases heat at night.

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Reduce Heat Island

MEER's cooling system fights urban heat islands by reflecting sunlight energy that dark surfaces absorb.

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Lower Emissions

MEER's passive cooling lowers energy use, reducing pollution and warming from fossil fuel-powered air-conditioning.

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MEER's materials last up to 10 years longer than white paints and extend the lifespan of roofs, slowing corrosion.

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Increased Reflectivity

White paint reflects less sunlight than MEER reflectors and does not direct as much excess energy back into space.

Climate change

Through years of meticulous observation, theory development, and model building, scientists have gained an in-depth understanding of the Earth's climate system. It is now widely recognized and accepted that human activities, particularly the emission of greenhouse gases, are driving climate change. The Earth is currently experiencing a significant positive energy imbalance, wherein approximately 400 Terawatts of heat are being stored in the ocean and atmosphere. This amount of heat is twenty times greater than the total energy consumption of human civilization.

This energy imbalance has resulted in a warming trend commonly referred to as global warming or anthropogenic climate change. The consequences of this warming trend are becoming increasingly evident and concerning. Many researchers, along with the general public, are alarmed by the potential for more frequent and severe extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and floods, as well as heat strokes, droughts, crop failures, internal displacement of populations, and the collapse of ecosystems.

This phenomenon holds the potential to cause widespread suffering within the lifetimes of most of the Earth's human population. The impacts of climate change are not just a future concern; they are already being felt today and are expected to worsen over time. The urgency to address climate change has never been greater, as the potential for profound and far-reaching consequences continues to grow. As such, it is imperative that efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change are accelerated to prevent further damage and safeguard the well-being of both current and future generations.

Ground-based technology

MEER has developed an innovative solution to address the issue of rising temperatures on both local and global scales. Our technology focuses on reflecting sunlight back into space, effectively reducing heat accumulation on Earth. This method, known as the albedo effect, is well-proven for its efficiency and effectiveness.

All-white or light-coloured objects naturally exhibit varying degrees of the albedo effect, reflecting sunlight to mitigate the heat. MEER's reflectors, however, are designed to have an albedo equal to or greater than other existing options, ensuring superior performance. Our ground-based technology is particularly reliable over extended periods and can be easily tested and implemented locally. It offers an exact adaptation infrastructure, providing immediate and controllable cooling benefits to specific areas.

A coordinated effort from countries and organizations worldwide is necessary to achieve a significant global impact. This international collaboration is essential due to the potential need for increased manufacturing capacity and the identification of suitable implementation areas. By working together, we can scale this innovative solution to combat global warming effectively, leveraging the strengths of our reflective technology to create a cooler and more sustainable planet.

Addressing Earth's Climate Crisis

We must consider past and future emissions to mitigate climate change effectively. The scale of our mitigation strategy will depend on this. Greenhouse gases already present in the atmosphere will continue to contribute to warming. Thus, it's essential that we implement MEER reflector installations to counteract the warming effect of future emissions and also address the warming currently masked by anthropogenic aerosols. This will become even more crucial if we achieve 100% carbon neutrality by 2100.

Disruption of Earth's Energy Balance

Industrial civilization has disrupted the delicate equilibrium of Earth's energy flows. As a result, our planet is on the verge of catastrophic climate change, driven by self-reinforcing feedback mechanisms. While rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are essential, they alone are insufficient to prevent a climate catastrophe.

Necessity of Multi-Faceted Climate Action

In addition to reducing emissions, urgent actions are needed to cool the Earth by reflecting sunlight and removing legacy greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Sunlight reflection methods, while not a substitute for reducing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, are the only technologies capable of cooling the Earth within the next critical decade. These methods can provide the necessary time to avert runaway global heating.

Earth’s Energy Imbalance

The fundamental cause of climate change is Earth's energy imbalance, currently measured at 1.4 watts per square meter (based on a thirty-four-month mean average) and increasing geometrically. This excess solar energy is equivalent to the energy released by 11 Hiroshima bombs exploding every second, significantly overheating our planet.

Imminent Temperature Thresholds

By 2024, the target of a 1.5°C (2.7°F) increase in global average surface air temperature above preindustrial levels is expected to be breached. Without immediate and effective efforts to reduce and reverse Earth's energy imbalance, the highly dangerous 2°C (3.6°F) threshold will likely be reached by 2040. The next ten years are crucial for implementing measures to mitigate and reverse these changes.

Earth's Energy Budget

The Earth's climate is governed by its energy budget, which is the balance between incoming solar energy and outgoing energy in the form of reflected sunlight and radiated heat. Life on Earth thrived during the Holocene epoch under a stable climate where this energy budget was balanced. Since the preindustrial age, the concentration of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere has doubled, leading to global overheating and climate disruption.

Diminishing Reflectivity of the Earth

The Earth is experiencing a significant reduction in its reflectivity, commonly referred to as "Earthshine." This phenomenon is primarily due to the melting of snow and ice, which historically reflected a substantial amount of solar radiation back into space. As these natural reflective surfaces diminish, the Earth's capacity to bounce back sunlight decreases, exacerbating the energy imbalance.

Impact of Artificial Clouds and Air Pollution Regulations

Another contributing factor to the loss of Earthshine is the reduction in the extent and brightness of artificial clouds. These clouds were previously seeded by sulfur-rich air pollution, which acted as a cooling agent by reflecting sunlight. However, with the International Maritime Organization's implementation of strict air pollution regulations for shipping in 2020, the production of these cooling aerosols has significantly decreased. This reduction in artificial cloud cover over large ocean areas has further decreased the Earth's overall brightness.

Increased Energy Imbalance and Global Overheating

The sharp decline in Earth's reflectivity—measured as a 0.4% drop compared to the average planetary reflectivity between 2001 and 2011—has profound implications. This loss in reflectivity is equivalent to a sudden increase in atmospheric CO2 levels from 420 parts per million (ppm) to 525 ppm. Such a drastic change in reflectivity has intensified the energy imbalance, leading to accelerated global overheating.

The Faustian Bargain of Fossil Fuel Combustion

We are now witnessing the full extent of what can be described as humanity's Faustian bargain: the temporary offsetting of heat-trapping greenhouse gases by an atmospheric shield of bright cooling aerosols. These aerosols were a byproduct of dirty fossil fuel combustion. While they provided short-term cooling, their reduction has revealed the underlying warming potential of accumulated greenhouse gases, accelerating climate change.

The Urgency for Comprehensive Climate Action

This emerging understanding underscores the urgent need for comprehensive climate action. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions alone is not enough; we must also develop strategies to enhance Earth's reflectivity and restore the natural and artificial factors that contribute to Earthshine. By addressing both greenhouse gas emissions and the loss of cooling aerosols, we can work towards stabilizing the climate and mitigating the worst impacts of global warming.

In conclusion, the loss of Earthshine represents a critical challenge in our fight against climate change. It highlights the complex interplay between different factors influencing Earth's energy balance and the urgent need for multifaceted approaches to climate mitigation. Only through coordinated global efforts can we hope to restore the planet's reflectivity and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

Cooling local areas

MEER has the capability to cool local regions and cities by increasing their level of albedo. Albedo refers to the amount of sunlight reflected by a surface. Villages and towns are primarily composed of various buildings. MEER proposes that by placing reflectors on top of a home, the structure and the air inside it can be cooled. This is because the reflectors will reflect a portion of the sunlight back into the atmosphere, consequently reducing the amount of heat the building absorbs. The same applies to other structures or areas, such as barns, playgrounds, or any surface or area covered by a reflector. Scaling this up to a community level, we anticipate the cooling effect extending over a larger area as reflectors cover more and more surfaces. MEER is currently constructing a community-level experiment in Sierra Leone to demonstrate this theory. The experiment will involve placing reflectors on various surfaces within a community and measuring the temperature difference before and after their placement. The aim is to demonstrate the effectiveness of this method in reducing temperatures in hot regions and how it can be implemented on a larger scale to combat the effects of climate change.

Efficiency and recycling


Urban environments worldwide are often littered with waste materials such as plastic, glass, and aluminum cans. The global scaling cycle seeks to address engineering challenges related to global warming, often requiring more materials than are readily available. However, abundant materials frequently discarded as waste could be repurposed as valuable resources for infrastructure development.


MEER recognizes the potential of utilizing 100% recycled materials, particularly PET plastics and aluminum, which are commonly found in landfills. By repurposing these materials, we can meet our annual material requirements while significantly reducing our environmental impact and conserving natural resources.

Innovation: Agricultural Infrastructure Prototype

MEER has recently developed a prototype for agricultural infrastructure to increase soil fertility, declining due to water evaporation exacerbated by increased CO2 levels. This prototype features:

PET Sheeting: Made from recycled plastic bottles, providing a durable and sustainable material for the infrastructure.

Bamboo Support: Using bamboo as a structural element contributes to negative embodied carbon due to its carbon storage properties.

Reflector Layer: Coated aluminum is used to prevent corrosion, enhancing the longevity of the infrastructure.

Plastic Cordage: Crafted from cut and stretched plastic bottles, ensuring solid and durable connections.

Environmental Impact

For every 10 square meters of mirror sheeting, this infrastructure can offset the heating effects of one ton of CO2 in the atmosphere. The use of bamboo and the specialized treatment of materials contribute to a negative embodied carbon footprint, further enhancing the sustainability of the project.

Feasibility and Scalability

An assessment of available discarded resources in plastic, glass, and aluminum cans indicates that producing this prototype on a large scale is feasible. This scalability ensures the potential to counteract the heating effects of contemporary CO2 emissions significantly.


MEER’s innovative use of recycled materials in agricultural infrastructure addresses the pressing issue of waste management and contributes to combating global warming. By leveraging discarded PET plastics and aluminum, we create sustainable solutions that enhance soil fertility and reduce CO2 levels. This approach exemplifies how waste materials can be transformed into valuable resources, promoting environmental preservation and resource conservation on a global scale.



Effective mitigation plans are crucial in addressing the challenges posed by climate change. These plans must focus on developing durable solutions that can withstand extended periods without the need for recycling, thus minimizing ongoing energy consumption. Given that energy is a finite resource, it is essential to consider the energy requirements for both adaptation and mitigation.


Indoor mirrors have an impressive lifespan, often lasting for centuries, while outdoor mirrors can endure for decades. Recognizing the need for sustainable and long-lasting solutions, MEER plans to utilize other types of reflectors designed to last for many years. These reflectors must be resilient to environmental factors such as weather conditions, airborne dust and dirt, bird droppings, and similar challenges. However, these durability projections do not account for unforeseen accidents or extreme weather events.

Innovation: PET Sheeting

MEER has developed a PET sheeting material that exhibits enhanced durability for outdoor use. Key properties of this sheeting include:

Anti-soiling Agents: These help maintain a higher albedo level for more extended periods compared to alternatives like white paint.

Self-cleaning Design: The sheeting is designed to be naturally cleaned by rainwater, reducing the need for manual intervention and additional energy consumption.

Expected Benefits

The PET sheeting is anticipated to remain in good condition for 5 to 15 years. Preliminary evidence suggests that it outperforms painted surfaces in terms of longevity and maintenance. The combination of durability, self-cleaning capability, and high albedo maintenance positions the PET sheeting as a superior solution for sustainable mitigation strategies.

Passive Technolgy

MEER's Passive Design initiative aims to enhance the comfort and well-being of building occupants by adapting to the unique climate and site conditions of each area, all while minimizing energy consumption. The core principle of this initiative is to maximize the use of the local climate to create a comfortable indoor environment naturally.

Passive cooling, a key component of MEER's Passive Design, involves utilizing innovative technologies to lower building temperatures without relying on any external power source. This approach not only reduces energy consumption but also decreases the environmental footprint of the buildings. Once our advanced reflectors are deployed in the field, they operate autonomously, requiring no additional energy to function. These reflectors are designed to reflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption, thereby cooling the buildings passively.

Our reflectors are engineered to harness natural processes and materials, ensuring they remain effective without ongoing energy input. By incorporating these passive cooling strategies, we can significantly enhance indoor comfort levels, reduce dependence on artificial cooling systems, and promote sustainability. MEER's commitment to passive design reflects a broader effort to develop energy-efficient, environmentally friendly solutions that align with the natural climate and conditions of each location, ultimately fostering healthier and more sustainable living environments.

Carbon Footprint

The strategy employed by MEER is highly efficient when it comes to reducing CO2 emissions. The carbon and energy footprints associated with the production and use of solar reflectors are significantly lower than those of other mitigation methods. 

The use of reflectors to cool soil has numerous advantages, including the reduction of CO2 emissions. This innovative technique is particularly effective in agriculture, where cooling the land can prevent soil from leaching carbon. By lowering the temperature of the soil, less carbon is released into the atmosphere, thereby minimizing the negative impact of greenhouse gases. Not only does this technique have environmental benefits, but it also contributes to improving soil quality, resulting in better crop yields and healthier ecosystems.

In addition, employing passive cooling technology in residential buildings leads to a significant decrease in carbon energy consumption when compared to conventional mechanical cooling systems, which typically require a substantial amount of energy to function. This environmentally conscious approach to cooling not only reduces a household's carbon footprint but also helps conserve energy and promote sustainability. 

There are various methods of sequestering carbon by cooling water and other means, and MEER is currently exploring many of these possibilities.


MEER technology will lessen the impact of global and local warming. By reflecting sunlight back into space, MEER has the potential to reduce the amount of heat absorbed by the Earth's surface, which can help to mitigate the effects of global warming. In contrast to other adaptation and mitigation methods, MEER is simple to implement and can be carried out democratically. This means virtually any community or nation can adopt this strategy, even with a limited budget. The need for this cooling option is becoming increasingly prevalent every year as global temperatures continue to rise. With MEER, cost-effective and simple solutions can be provided to parts of the world that desperately need them.

“We are facing a man-made disaster on a global scale. Our greatest threat in thousands of years”